- Breadcrumb title bar and identity bar moved to the main pane and are now shrinkable by the new sidebar
- Inner side menus displaying content subcategories
- All menus now display icons
- Side bar prepared to show new content menu structure
Creation of the senders module.
Domino.Pictures finally refactored to the end and all instances of old usage deleted.
Domino.Api and Domino.Mobile upgraded
Domino.Shop upgraded. Monri, Paypal, Bankart, Valu, Leanpay moved to production
Domino.Server upgraded
Modus.Invoices upgraded
Modus.Invoices and Domino.Server in progress
Domino.Shop refacturing. All 89 classes refactured. Not yet in production. Monri.Shop, Bankart.Shop, Leanpay.Shop, Paypal.Shop and Valu.Shop also refactured and waiting for production.
Domino.Editor work started on D8, will be compatible with D7. This is the most difficult component.
Modus.Admin upgraded
Domino.Gdpr and Domino.Eletter modules upgraded
Domino.Identity upgraded
Domino.Block upgraded
Upgraded key modules Creation, Lib and Store
Upgraded modules: Relinks, EmailSignatures, Users
Upgraded modules: Slideshow, Menu2
New module upgrades
Upgraded modules (News, Announcements, Drive, Content, Collage, CRM, Privacy, Side, Menu, MenuFooter, ProgressNav, HeaderContact, Ftp, Events, Nav). 56 modules to go.
Development of Litebox.Display module with full functionality for servicing Domdesign displays, tracking inventory, client and install information.
Litebox.Welcome upgrade
- New Companies submodule
- Multiple companies and their logos can be added to a single Welcome entry
- Guest lines can select Company
- Welcome template now runs with Litebox.Module
- Cover pictures can be added to the Welcome
Work on Domino.Editor. Refacturing and making it better
Domino 8 lib architecture transformed to suit backend developers. Php classes are the only components in the folder root. Classes moved from _classes subfolder and _classes subfolders deleted. Backend is the primary Domino development plan so architecture must be optimised for PSR format. Previous root files like changelog and readme moved to subfolder _docs, because they are not significant for the development process.
Domino.Admin module refactoring and new architecture.
- Module classes upgraded to D8
App functionality is almost set up.
- Params class is structured and working with sub level classes
- Json class is now in subfolder Templates Index/Ajax/Print
- Main architecture and classes are set up
- index.php file prepared
New module Servers is created and list of all virtual servers is now maintained in the module.
- Entries now automatically reorder on update or create based on parent
Litebox modules upgraded. All screens now work with new modules and template model. 70 modules to go.
We are now in the deep end. Nothing now is easy anymore. We are now going module by module from Modus business solutions modules to Litebox modules. All modules are now heavily dependent on other modules, and it is not possible to refactor all at one, but new and old methods must exist simultaneously. 80 modules to go.
Half of Modus modules are upgraded. 86 modules to go.
Big advancements done today. Editor classes now standardised. 100 modules to go.
Upgrade progress is going slowly and painstaikingly. Although first mark of 200 modules to go is reached, the harder modules are coming. Nothing else to add, but to go on with the force. After 5 hours, we are on 140 modules to go, so more than 100 modules upgraded today. Mark for today is 100 modules to go. After 9 hours we are at 120 and here is where we draw the line for this one.
267 modules to go. Feeling under the weather.
Domino.Logo component already supported svg logos via parameters or call from Domino.Logos module. Providing static logo via params is ok, but it does not allow for colour changing based on body theme changes. Now the css component is upgraded with 5 colour variables that can be adjusted based on body theme (normal, black and white, contrast, custom) and all you have to do is to put classes in the svg that correspond to the colours. New Logo modul is now also created where svg is easily pasted, enabling calling the logo via id (header is default). So many logos across website or application can have the same logo.
Example: kraljicna.si
Before starting the refacturing process, all versions from previous items were transferred to the respective modules, so we have the whole history of now joined items and modules. We currently have 297 modules to complete and 10000 clicks were made in the 3 hours of refacturing process.
Pattern based modus operandi is completed. Most of the classes are capitalized, most of the _classes folder are created and classes put inside. All work on refacturing is moved out of development folder in order to allow normal development of necessary modules. When refacturing is made in the refacturing folder, the module is moved into development and pushed into production. Currently we have 320 modules left. 7500 mouse clicks made in 3 hours of development.
New OOP architecture works are fully in swing. The work is not going module by module as it started, but in order to cut the time, pattern based method is selected. First all _classes subfolders are created where needed, all existing functions are placed inside blindly. All _functions system folders are renamed into _classes. All basic classes thay will stay the same are being capitalized (Entries, View, Controller, …). For now around 160 view.php files are capitalized and 96 entries.php files as well. All View files are also upgraded with new class model, but inside, all subsequent functions are not yet done, so manual checking and possible inner components will have to be upgraded as well before the views can go into action.
We will se if this pattern based method of work will shorten the end time, but it looks like a faster method to get the most of the load done.
New OOP object oriended model is confirmed
- All the classes are now located in “_classes” subfolder of a module.
- Autoloader is now in effect to load all classes imported classes. Root of autoloader is “lib” folder, so assets apps and modules can be navigated with the same component function
- classes are now namespaced eg. modules/Domino/Chronology/Categories
- Classes follow the standard capitalization (CamelCased)
- Every module class has Base class extension
- Basic classes and functionalities ar now standardized (entries, editor, controller, import, export, template, …)
- …
357 modules exist at present in the Store Library. On the first sprint, 34 have been refactured. It is expected to upgrade 20 easy modules/hour or 5 complex modules/hour. Three point estimation is about min: 20 / exp: 30 / max: 50 hours to complete. Currently the old and the new model coexist for production modules simultaneously. At the end old methods will be scrapped or completely replaced. performance of the system due to two coexisting models should not be hindered, but after the upgrade of all new modules to the new OOP model should be much improved.
Domino Events, News and Announcements have new fields citae_id, where ID of created citae entry is recorded. Events module has new actions bar and options to publish, remove and preview the events.
Publishing creates a new event, or in case of existing Citae id, updates the event. There is also a checker based on event name and date, that prevents duplicate event inserts in case of different organizations trying to publish the same event.
All items from development folder migrated to lib modules. Development/lib/items folder deleted.
In production folder remains App backend classes to be migrated manually and then production items folder can be deleted.
Most of the remaining items now migrated. Only the big items like Admin, Shop, Litebox, Logistics remain.
These big items with more tham 30 subitems are now a challenge. These items are also the core of Domino so nothing must go wrong while moving them.
Most of items are now migrated. Only the big and important items are left. 18 Domino items and 10 other developers with one or more items to do.
Development process learning
Development process research
App development
- Phpmyadmin installed
- First tables Site, Content, Translations created in domdesign_admin database
- component function in Base fixed
- Json disassembled and put in app/Result folder
- Site.Index and Site.Index.Blocks made dimensional
- Structure via Params reads Site.Index.Blocks
- app.js will now be in version directories on CDN, so all sites source the version they are based on from a group directory
Domino 8 app developlemt
- domino2.domdesign.com
- cdn2.domdesign.com vhost set up
- domino2 cert creation
- architecture setting up
- classes set up
- init procedure fixing
- getting to first render of index.php
- app.js and modules.js are now separate
Domino8 development
- Setting up new classes structure and architecture
New Sprints scheme
- Connected with Modules, App and Teams
Creation Content export/import, identity install
Push public lib, components to items
Development of Domino.PaymentMethods
E-letter e-mails CSV import with GDPR compliance
Vzpostavitev poddomene in identitete Cloud
Programming environmental variables and subdomains setup
Server upgrade with PHP 8 upgrade and all dependencies
Change of categories and three point estimation model
- New categories to development, production, support
- time_est three point estimation model added
- List with new date columns
Creation Docs programming
All server folders in format development/production/testing/archive
Domino.Publications aded sources
GDPR module in new 7.8.0 format
Old functions cleaned up
Počistiti vse dominoSql
Počistiti vse getComponentData
getComponentDataNew vse 00/functions/ v _functions/
getComponentDataNew izbrisat 00/functions search
povsod drugod skenslat 00/ (Domino.Editor)
dominoSql remove
00/ folders to _ everywhere
Identities to _users
Delete getComponentData, json getComponentData, check index_action
Creation of web users for all identities
Connection web users with identities
All class names to new underscore divider format
Preidi povsod na nova imana Classov DCItems_Domino_News_Controller in zbriši vse staro iz aplikacije
Certbot upgrade with new authentication
New Domino.Books module and Books items migrate to main module
Gnosticine knjige v nov modul Domino.BookPublisher, artikli se predelajo v en modul…Domino.Products izgubi Books definicije
SiteIndexBlocks predelava Bit vezanja
Biti so vezani na bit_id, ki je v osnovnem blocku in tako se prikaže vsebina pri seznamu blokov, hkrati treba uredit urejanje bita znotraj bloka, torej brez ustvarjanja novega bita, ko si že blok naredil…
All view.php fiels with new index_action function
Deleted all remaining DCDomino calls
Clean up old tables
All assets with DCStructures_ DCModules_, DCItems_
Version patches added to the Domino.Identity module and Domino.Footer
Version patches are now visible in the Domino.Footer item, where you can click them and see the changes on the dominocms.com/versions page.
Programiranje projektov, taskov in jobov
Vocabulary published
Domino Vocabulary published on the newly started docs.dominocms.com/vocabulary site.
DominoCMS history published
First step of DominoCMS history through major versions presented on the dominocms.com/history page.
Versions and Dev log updated
- Domino.Versions module is reinvented with products, product main versions and patches. Now multiple products can be maintained via module.
- Domino.Versions structure is created and displayed on the dominocms.com/versions where users can track DominoCMS versions
- Domino.Dev structure created and added to dominocms.com/dev-log where users can track the development log for Domino
CKEditor implementation
Now content can be pasted and edited in the inline CK Editor. TODO: Fix a glitch with pasting to CKEditor.
Translations editor
Translations editor created as store item. Now custom implemented into identity. Goal to make it single letter slug /t. TODO: Create url params username, pass, langs changeable.
Adding license_id fields to asset tables, creating structure and list structure params, adding module structure to assets for contributors and license selector. Creating the export of CONTRIBUTORS.md and LICENSE.md files. First contribs and license exported to Domino.Slider
Module creation
Creation of Licenses and Contributors module
DominoSlider implementation
From Nurosfun https://codepen.io/nurofsun/pen/VwwVEWP
Domino Sprints module created
Sitemap added to identities control panel in Modus. Sitemap function updated a little bit. Dev module created, now all dev logging is coming from numbers to Modus. numbers tab deleted, you have served me well, this is the new.